Current ads:
- Auszubildende zum Elektroniker (w/m/d) für Geräte und Systeme
- Auszubildende zum Feinwerktechniker (w/m/d) mit Spezialisierung Feinmechanik
- Elektronics engineer with experience in detector technology (w/m/d)
- Studentische Hilfskräte (w/m/d)
- Doctoral candidate (m/f/d) in Stellar Populations
- Postdoc positions in stellar-exoplanetary science (m/f/d)
- PhD positions in stellar-exoplanetary science (m/f/d)
- Post-doctoral Researcher/Programmer in the Milky Way and Local Volume Section (w/m/d)
- Ausbildung zum Feinwerkmechaniker (m/w/d)
- Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d) in Solar Physics
- Doctoral Student (m/f/d) in Solar Physics
- Doctoral Student (m/f/d) in observational extragalactic astrophysics
- Postdoctoral Research Positions (m/f/d) in Computational Galaxy and Cluster Formation